Saturday, January 16, 2010

st. hildegard of bingen...

St. Hildegarde is the last saint of 12 saint i created for a cool project.

 i have been involved in 12 person collaborative initiated by artist Laura Mika.   It is called the Patron Saints Project.  We each created a book of our chosen saint.  (mine was Saint Rita of Cascia, in Umbra, Italy --- the saint my sister in law was named after).   After creating our books we forwarded them to the person next to us in a number line that Laura created.  so, each month i received a book from lisa guerin who received one from karen o'brien who received one from someone else maybe she got hers from laura, herself.  i send my book each month to josie rodriguez.   we each look up the attributes of the particular saint of the month and interpret to paint, collage or whatever our saint for the month, creating a leaf for the participants book..  it was fun learning the various attributes and dreaming up the saint.
for instance it was said that st. rita had white bees coming from her mouth as a baby, she was so pure......roses and marriage are also symbols for her healing traits.
st. hildegrade is patron saint of libraries and language.  this is why i have her submerged in words.
i will get my book back next month.  the project will be finished.  i can't wait to see all the wonderful art  done by my collaborative colleagues.


Anonymous said...

Nice brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.

reagan said...

How cool! Love this and what a fun project to be part of.

Susan Richards said...

What a fabulous collaborative project Lisa!

Lisa MB said...

I'm fascinated myself with the saints' stories, having come to them as an adult and not through Catholic school. It was also interesting to find out the saint for my birthday... I think there are two, which is good because one of them freaks me out. I think she's the patron saint of sexual assault survivors. Whoa.

Hope to see the pages in your book -- you have so whetted my appetite to see them!

Anonymous said...

Well I assent to but I think the collection should secure more info then it has.

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