Thursday, November 26, 2009

colorful bag art - thanksgiving

maybe you remember i did series of spiritual paintings on brown paper bags (see previous posts about a month ago. there is a big article about it in the current Somerset Studio magazine) well now i am experimenting on colorful bags - this is a bag family, a thanksgiving family.
my family is a little broken up this year. our daughter, rosie is away on a camping trip - she went to Big Sur, California with her friend's family. beautiful big sur - she is lucky - and i have to say that was a good idea - good idea until driving home on sunday when everyone is coming home from north to south down the major california hyway. but hell just think you could be stuck in that traffic jam after visiting ugly in-laws in downtown bakersfield or someplace less nice than big sur.
my middle child, my son is in buffalo, NY studying and working away --and overcoming h1n1, poor baby. he will visit at xmas. then my oldest daughter is comfortably tucked in her happy home so happy to have NO place to go this year. that might seem odd that she and her carlos are not coming this year -- but its not really. every year for every holiday they have been pulled this way and that - brooke's father's family, me, carlos' dad's family and his mom's family, plus cousins galore. then they (brooke and carlos) have friends who want to spend time with them - so its really a gift to them to let them be.

as for us, we are having lobster. gastone hates turkey - i like it OK. which leads me to the thanksgiving rant i have every year and if you are a facebook person, you may have read some of this already. some people responded by telling all the various things the pilgrims were supposed to have eaten - still, why did amercians embrace the big bird?

RANT: so, why the hell did the pilgrims in cape cod settle on a crazy wild bird they had to chase down a tree when they could be having clam chowder and lobster.
i always have thought that the Indians put them up to that idea of shotgunning (ok musketing) a turkey from a tree just for their private laugh. you gotta admit, that had to be comical. and let me see if i get THIS straight - the pilgrims went the ocean and got perfectly good fish and used them to grow corn? corn is what livestock eat. those indians were holding their sides in laughter. OK OK livestock had to eat - but cornbread? that cornbread, i am sure, did not taste like marie calendar's. have yo ever tried to eat corn meant for livestock? (i have eaten corn that should have been used for livestock in italy) its frickin' pah-to-ey awful.
corn should be left alone - well, until it becomes something like moonshine.
i personally think that the feathers that indians wore, were worn in jest - or as a reminder of the pilgrim follies, their favorite entertainment of the day - much like men wear baseball caps today. they were probably really turkey feathers and the indians were laughing their butts off.

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