Sunday, June 15, 2008

happy father's day

happy father's day to all you hunky dads.................and less hunky dads, kind, pale and weak looking dads too, fragile, frail, sickly, or pencil necked;
smelly, grayed, unshaven, wallowers;
absent, penniless, leaves the bathroom door open while pooping, insane;
down trodden, detained, washed up, doing laundry, wearing a bright vest picking up trash;
senile, has-been, faltering, shameless, morning kitchen farter;
pantywaisted, grumpy, unshowered, gutterballs;
red-necked, militant, perfection-seekers;
non achievers;
beer guzzling, bloated..............even dumb bastards........if you have had a child, today we celebrate you..............
enjoy it in the way you like to do best, we will try to still love you.
as we bite our lips and cringe,
or totally embrace.
your children love you anyway.
for that you surely must be thankful.
(my image didn't come up today, sometime must be wrong with my mac (sob)......i will try again later).


Anonymous said...

Thank you Lisa!! from your buddy...the dumbbastard!! :)

Joy Logan said...

hahaha good one Lisa!

Anonymous said...

you never cease to amaze me with your many descriptions of the male counterparts we share this planet with.

Lisa Bebi said...

yeah, rosie got her dad some see's candy and the box had words on it like hallmark, you know, "strong, my hero, inspiration, etc...)
as my husband who was still lying in bed was unwrapping it, i thought, hmmmm.

so i was thinking, hey, what about real dad's....
i mean would you call a father who is in prison inspirational?

perhaps, not.....
yet, he is still a dad..........

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