Wednesday, March 3, 2010

an exciting new direction....

the other morning - monday - i woke up and had the urge to paint something like old master franz kline.  i bought a large paint brush and then at the art store i decided to buy a japanese calligraphy brush.  i love that thing.  i am going to go back and buy an even larger one.  but take a look at my new direction.  these are fairly larges pieces.
these last 3 piece, the colorful ones i did first, then gravitated to the black and white.

the colorful ones are haiku paintings.  each has a hidden haiku in it.  the first 2 are about the rebirthing lives of fish and the last one is about the harsh beauty of the manzanita bush.
these new pieces will be on display in the upcoming show at bard hall. starts this saturday and runs to the end of the month.  reception is the third tuesday of the month at 6:30.

i started out as an abstract artist isn college.  i have enjoyed a long detour, but now i am enjoying going back to that place.  i love abstracts.


Sueann said...

I love abstract too! Love these paintings! WTG!

Anonymous said...

These are lovely! What fun!

*jean* said...

oooo fabulous! i love that one on the bottom, it just glows against the black background of you blog....are you going to show us a picture of your fabulous brushes?? best wishes on your show

Just call me Silly Sal said...

They are wonderful. Did not know you started out in abstract! I LOVE abstract. The second from the bottom is my favorite. This is so interesting to watch you change directions. Can't wait to see where the where your muse continues to take you.

Jaime Lyerly said...

I love these! Yay abstracts! The bottom yellow one looks similar to encaustic and you know I like that.

Welcome back to the world of abstraction. We missed you.


froogal said...

I love these pieces especially the second from the bottom.

Lisa Bebi said...

thank you - it feels so good following my heart's desire. makes me wonder why i didn't do it sooner. i have been saying to my close art fiends that i wanted to go back to abstract - doesn't mean i won't ever do the other stuff like glam paintovers, etc.
it was just s cool waking up thinking about franz kline - then following through following my muse all the way. i hope that makes senses.

Kim Palmer said...

Love these Lisa especially the orange, Way cool!

Carissa Paige said...

lisa, i LOVe these so much!!! my fav is the 3rd down. i'm trying to be more minimal this year so this was a nice little inspiration to see! i have this strange brush that sort of looks like 4 calligraphy brushes together on one thick handle. i haven't used it yet but after seeing this i want to. thanks for the inspiration! i'm glad you're following your hearts desire :D

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