Tuesday, February 2, 2010

my introduction to Fred B. Mullett.....

today i had the honor of interviewing artist and rubber stamp designer Fred B. Mullett.  yes that is his real name.  he started his rubber stamp business back in the late 1990's and has never looked back.  most his images are produced through an ancient art form called gyotaku --- or fish rubbings.  he has many interesting techniques.  see his site www.fredbmullett.com.  i will be submitting this article to somerset magazine next week. 


*jean* said...

oo i've always wanted some of his stamps! i was actually wanting to do this on fabric with the fish my boys catch in the summer! i have the brayer and Inks now to do it...can't wait to read your article!!

Victoria Stitch said...

wow they look almost real!

Shannon said...

Your artwork is just beautiful!

I'm letting all of our "Reduce Clutter; Create Space" explorers know that I have a new Free Spirit Knits fan page on Facebook. Feel free to join and post anything about your journey on that page!


Happy day.

Hilari said...

I love Fred Mullet's stuff! I took the class with Kath and the results hang on my wall today!

Lisa Bebi said...

jean i'm sure you know how to do it - but i think the fish are suppose to be frozen when you ink them.
this piece was done by bleaching a fish shape on black paper, then tinting with watercolors. finally details using gel pens.

*jean* said...

ooo that would be very helpful! i happen to have a freezer at the camper too! i just might give the fish printing a go this summer!! in neon colors!! beautiful results you have gotten here with the bleaching...just gorgeous!

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