that's my fellow art friend suzi blu. i love her spirit - so full of life and easy breeziness. she knows art is for everyone. she is a "go girl" cheerleader.
she is one special person. a special, delicate treasure for this mortal world. a one of a kind - because the good lord knows we aren't all able to appreciate his gifts as they should be appreciated - so he gives only one or two in a lifetime. and suzi blu is one for me. and i intend to nurture my dear little friend - a gift from heaven.
tomorrow is our playdate.
I don't know her personally, but follow her blog and have taken a couple of her online classes, and I agree, she is quite special.
Play date at Lisa's studio as soon as my cold goes away! xoxo
Suzi sounds delightful! How fun!!!
Lisa, I agree with you wholeHEARTedly. Suzi is a delight, a treasure, and now that I've had a full day workshop with her (in person) and am immersed in her online workshops (beginner petite dolls & petite Marie), I can say that her VIDEO monologues about life and love and art -- ROCK. she is so hearfelt ... like you are, too, Lisa. xox - Davi
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