Sunday, September 6, 2009

my son, jamie......

my son jamie is living and working in buffalo, new york.  he moved there a little over a month ago.  he will be there for the next 5 year on a special presidential stipend to continue his education and teach - he will get his PhD in literature.  he specializes in something like psychoanalysis of medieval people through literature.  i probably don't really have that exactly  right.  he studies literature, psychoanalysis and medieval, i think it is some concoction therein.
i talked to him earlier this week - he was regaling to me about about his students, professors, parties and his new (rented) house. 
the weather, he reports, has been hot!  i am holding my breath to hear how he manages to drive and gets along in the winter.  he has shopped for subzero clothes.  at least.
i am very happy for him.   he is one person who has always known what/whom he wanted to become.  he started writing before he learned to talk.  i kid you not.

presently, he is having some work published - not sure when that will come out - but the work is done at the publishers.  not sure what it is about, but i think it has something to do with the above description of his studies.
so, i love you jamie - and by the way, i'm coming to visit you next summer! 
 (that should scare him).


henrysmom said...

very handsome...not to sound creepy...just in an observational way...

Lisa Bebi said...

he is the apple of my eye.

of course my daughters are too.

Colette George said...

He is amazing! What great kids you have Lisa, I'd be so proud! Keep up posted on things he has published. It would be fun to see what he's up to. I can only begin to imagine what he's been studying. How interesting it must all be.
Hugs, Colette

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good press, mom. JUst FYI, though, I do not study medieval studies. My field is more like "psychoanalysis and 20th century American literature" and my topics of interest include "mourning, crypt studies, psychopathy, trauma and acting out" ---all cheery topics (well, I like them)!

anna maria said...

Very good looking AND brilliant!

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