Wednesday, May 13, 2009

last saturday's reception...

i forgot to comment on my reception at escondido arts partnership last saturday night.  the escondido arts partnership (262 east grand, escondido (san diego), CA is also known as the escondido municipal gallery--not to be too confusing or anything-- -
but in the back of the gallery are two small rooms.  one is the gallery of renee richetts, 3-d artist, and the other one is mine.  behind our galleries through an open door and in the same building are many private working art studios.  there are some really great artists everywhere.  every second saturday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. is an opening.  i will be at these openings with new work for my own gallery from now on.  i might not stay unitl 7:30 though - my intention is to be there from 5:30 - 6:30 or 7:00p.m.
ANYWAY, the opening was HUGE, lots and lots of people, i'm going to guess over 600 people came through there.  tons of artists and their families, musicians, caterers, bartenders, etc.  lots going on.
great time.  i was totally overwhelmed, but then again, that doesn't take much.  i'm easily flustered in a crowd like that.
i didn't get my prices up on the walls in time and heck, i didn't even hang my new work, i just propped it on the walls and laid my automatic paintings on the ground.   i ike my old work too.   i noticed many people going in my gallery, but i didn't go in much because i think it would scare people out or make them feel trapped or uncomfortable, so i was trying to be polite.  some people like to meet the artist, some don't.   i dont know.
so, if you are looking for me and don't know what i look like next second saturday, just ask anyone, especially other artists.   i'm happy to meet you (even if i feel shy) - in fact, that is my whole reason for coming to the event - to meet you, or make myself available for people to meet.  that's my job.
if you are interested in purchasing my art, you do it through the arts partnership.  there is an office in the middle of the room where you can inquire about prices, etc.  but meanwhile before the next second saturday show, i am going to post my prices on the walls right next to the paintings.

OK so see you one of these days at the second saturday openings.  i will always have new work up from one month to the next.
oh, and if you are interested in seeing my work any other time, my gallery door is always open (in fact, i took the door off), you may go see it anytime the municipal gallery is open....i believe the hours are tuesday through saturday 11 a.m. through 4 p.m.    check out their website at  

hey anyone out there want to help me hang and tidy up the space?  i am hopeless at decorating and hanging art.


Glo said...

I know I've been under the radar for a while now but I just came back to your blog and I want to wish you the best with your gallery gigs. I know it takes guts but you have nothing to fear. Your work is wonderful and soulful.

Colette George said...

Ok- you're kidding me right, I've hung a lot of art for art shows.
When is your next show? I can give you lots of pointers. I love to display using the artists work as an inspiration with supporting elements. Dang girl- I wish we lived closer!!!

Lisa Bebi said...

tell me about i. i really need you colette. really really need you.
i am so hopeless with interior decor and hanging my art. i have done some really horrifically hung shows. i mean truly horrifying. i am thinking maybe i should paint the interior some kind of pinkish shabby chic. but, lord that could really go so sideways too.
i should probably take the door that is off its hinges and resting against the wall out of the room. for starters.

and thank you GLO, for the nice compliments.

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