Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i'm not home from italy yet, but look what we did!


The second edition of N Art Magazine, the new monthly series featuring highlights of San Diego’s vital and varied art scene, will be broadcast Sunday, October 26 at 4 p.m. on KGTV, Channel 10. This episode features Diana Duval, who reflects on how she tells her life story through her compelling art. Enjoy armchair tours of The Artists Guild of the San Diego Museum of Art’s Festival of Fine Art and the San Diego Watercolor Society’s International Exhibition. The program also visits the “crossroads between digital technology and new art forms” at the Center for Research in Computing and the Arts, Calit2, at the University of California, San Diego. Guided by Technical Director Todd Margolis, viewers will see scenes from exciting videos in 4K, the step far beyond HD, including CRCA Director Sheldon Brown’s “Scalable City” and Mike Toillion’s “Beatbox 360”. Post-doctoral researcher Jeremy Douglass demonstrates cultural data visualization techniques on the 286 million pixel HIPerSpace video display. Renowned Composer in Residence Roger Reynolds discusses his innovative percussion work, “Sanctuary,” and researchers William Brent and Adam Wilson present Ludbots, simple mechanisms for playing acoustic instruments with digital precision. This may be the most mind expanding television in recent memory. For further information, please contact Patricia Dillard at (619) 463-2235.

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