Sunday, December 2, 2007

meet the gutmans

i found this photo of my dad and his siblings; my uncle leo and aunts lillian and lucille. my dad, max, is the one without glasses.
nice looking family, eh?

i am sorry about the youtube not working out last night. blogger says it will upload videos from youtube - but it didn't work for me. the girls were beating each other with sticks, marking each other with sharpie markers and finally putting hot cheetos up their noses (ok that was only my daughter doing that)all without me looking up from my artwork. i knew what they were doing - just i'm so used to them doing that kind of stuff.

what's that got to do with the gutmans? nothing, except i'm sure they wouldn't believe what kids can do these days..... use a camera to film themselves, then put the video on the computer and then broadcast it around the world!

except, of course on my blog.

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