Saturday, November 3, 2007

outside uffitzi gallery

i paused beside this small fountain in firenze (florence) just outside the uffitzi gallery, thinking up ways to get a great workshop together.
the weather was lovely in october.

i also was standing there wondering if it was a possible way for me to look less fat.
i didn't think so until i saw other pix of me without the fountain.

for those who wanted to know. i am getting my vision back (slowly) and thanks for asking. (see previous post entitled "my eyes") i'm not too worried about it right now.

yesterday i had a nice treat. i was able to walk with ed wordell, ( longtime fine artist and yesterday's juror, as he picked the new east county art association's membership show -- (the show is hanging now at the library in rancho san diego for a month - go see it). i loved it. Ed is not a young guy anymore, but what a rare threat to be with such a dignified man. he is tall and thin, reminded me of my dad. he talked slowly but accurately, full of wisdom. he took his time picking the pieces he thought worthy, finally settling in on 6 for awards. he actually sat across from them and analysed each piece for its own weight and merit.
i wouldn't have minded hanging out with him for the rest of the day or two just to hear what he has to say....but as always, there wasn't enough time, i had to run off to another appoinment.
also, i would like to mention my friend, artist and president toni torgersen, did a first class, bang-up job in getting the show together almost entirely single-handedly.
toni, i'm going to take you out for a drink next week - wanna take ed with us?

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