Monday, July 2, 2007

kathy's universal strap-on artist's care kit

this is kathy's olsen's invention. she sees this as a "must" for every serious artist-on-the-go. this trusty little artist-hang-around-the-neck companion has everything you need.

it has a cell phone pouch for those who always seem to lose theirs. and, in case your loved ones are likely to put out a search party for you after a few days , so you may call and calm them down...., or possibly and sadly, you may need it to call 911, in case you don't know where you are. or have fallen and can't get up.

and memo recorder that you speak into without even taking it off your use this to remind yourself to put something on the calendar later or simply to remind yourself what you were thinking only 3 minutes ago. er, something like that.

the water bottle on the neck is a very imporatant feature. not only can intensely creative moments become dehydrating with the artist not wantin gto break for water, but it also acts as a safety feature...... if the water bottle is around the neck, then the artist is less likely to put his/her brushes in it instead of the watercan.

the strapped-on personal fan is something i asked her to add to mine since i get hotflashes.
and kathy, herself added the labeller because that is who kathy is.

the back side of the pouch has a place for i.d, cash and creditcard. for emergency use only.
want one? it's just $19.95, plus tax.


John Doheny said...

What I could really use these days would be some sort of 'musicians airport caddy,' a device to transport the instruments I bring aboard as carryons (before the AFM negotiated a deal with the major carriers on this, airlines often refused to let you bring 'oversized' instruments onboard and made you stow them with the luggage. Consequently I'm on a first name basis with instrument repair people in most major North American cities, and a couple in Europe as well).

Better yet, a 'musicians butler.' You know, a small, servile English human to carry my instruments and overnight bag. A 'gentlemen's gentleman.'

That would be perfect.

Lisa Bebi said...

that does sound like a great mother of invention idea....
ah, and to have the gentlemen's gentleman. i would like one too...just to have one.

maybe i would even give him something to do, like wash out my brushes, or something.

another subject, too bad about coffee in new york not happening. i would have really enjoyed that.

Unknown said...

Hi Lisa... wow... I don"t quite understand it all , but then again I am seventy , and I know you are much, much younger then me... I am a throwback to the 1950"s when there were no such thing as "Kathy"s Universal strap-on artist"s care kit"... Sounds like something I must have , but would be highly challenged to figure it out... I am proud of myself just being able to e-mail my grandchildren... I have heard of blogging but it sounds like much more work then being a Ph.d marriage and family therapist in private practice for the past 35 years and an emerging artist....

Lisa Bebi said...

welcome randi
hey, your comment came through. congrats. i think you would be a fine blogger. pretty soon you could learn to blog those grandkids and all your patients while you are at it! all i one fell swoop.

the strap-on device that kathy invented is just pure silliness, er, at least i think she was kidding.

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