ever want to know what it would be like to take an informal artists workshop in Paris, France?

Take a look. it is so cool and fulfilling to be in Paris with other artists - we worked, shopped, went to galleries, cooked, ate, laughed together. it was cozy and informal. that was march 2008. we, metal pop artist renee richetts and i will be doing it again - december 2010. its the cheapest and most satisfying way to take a workshop abroad.
come be with us for a week. great shopping starts in paris jan. 6, BTW.

both renee and my husband gastone speak fluent french and are always ready to go on any adventure during workshop downtimes. my young daughter rosie is learning french as well.
Oh my, my French is SOOOO rusty - I haven´t spoken French for about 25 years! That article looks great, I hope I´ll get a chance to flip through that magazine.
Hi, Lisa! I had emailed you and just received the message returned with a "delivery status notification" that it didn't reach you! :( Hope to hear from you! LisaM
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