Monday, March 8, 2010

gARTge sale - this saturday

its a studio clean out.  come buy art supplies

and stuff for FREE: like half full bottles of paint, old paint brushes, painted papers, images,  scrap booking scraps etc.

email me for my house address.
gARTage sale:
 SATURDAY, march 13
8 AM TO 1 P.M.
at my garage

what to bring:
 yourself and friend
starbucks :   ) morning roast - black


Herm said...

It's too bad the garage sale is in California, otherwise I would be there!!! need scrapbooking stuff.

Teresa aka Tess said...

Oh geez louise, If only I lived in Cali. I'd be camped on your street the night before to be sure to get the good stuff. :)

TheresainMS said...

Hope you have a super successful sale so you can get some new goodies for yourself :-) Sure wish I were closer.

Kim Palmer said...

I'd love to pop in and scrounge around but I'm pretty sure the cost of my airfares would negate the garage sale savings, LOL! Will stay home and enjoy coffee instead. Hope it all goes well and the rain stays away for you.

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