Thursday, December 31, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! let's par-tay.

meet "party jack" at the Bard Hall show this month.

i had a hellish day getting things done.  i just had too much to do.  i did get my show hung - its a group show, but i have 6 or 7 pieces in it.
the reception is tuesday night, january 19 starts at 5:45.  i would get there on time because the good booze doesn't last.  i will put the info on my sidebar tomorrow.  for now i must hit the hay.  Bard hall gallery is at the unitarian church in hillcrest.  its a nice gallery.  lots of  lovely work is hung in this particluar show.


*jean* said...

best wishes for a great show...i love your would be great to see them in person....

Nina and/or Ruthie66 said...

Sounds like a fun time. I'm going to try and make it. I'll post the info on my blog and hope that helps too - not like you need it though, since your openings are always crowded. But I always want to support your work.

Happy New Year, Lisa!

~Nina~ xoxo

SOM said...

I've known for a very long time that good things were coming your way in the art world and your growing success brings a smile to my face and tears of joy to my eyes!! You are a truly special artist and I wish for you a brighter and even more successful decade ahead!! Happy New Year Lisa Ann!!


Lisa Bebi said...

nina thank you for posting my show on your blog - you are awesome and generous.
i hope i see you at the show *jean*. are you the *jean* that lives across the street?
and SOM, your the best. happy new year everyone.

*jean* said... the *jean* in MN with all the lovely snow and a full moon last night to boot!! i hope to see them someday though...we have friends in your area so next time we visit CA i will find out where your work is!

Michele said...

I love the Jack portrait!

Michele said...

I love the Jack portrait!

Lisa Bebi said...

michelle - i love your pet photos makes me wanna paint them.

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